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我故乡的名字(The name of my hometown)
更新时间: 2024-05-09 07:42:17

我故乡的名字(Th nam of my homtown)i liv in a small town which is surroundd by many moutains .w call th town longju. th nam of th town sounds intrsting .in fact ,it's basd on a holy story ,onc upon a tim ,thr was a cav namd whit hors cav. two whit flying horss and a dragon livd in it .thr wr also plnty of jwllry and many othr valuabl things in it .on day thr thivs cam into th cav wanting to stol thos xpnsiv things .in ordr to prvnt th 3 thivs from taking away thos things , th dragon and th two horss conflictd with th 3 thivs . but unfortunatly th dragon and on hors wr killd by th crul thivs .th othr hors flw away from th cav and nvr cam back.popl in th town spok highly of th dragon and horss .in ordr to shar thir mmoris of thm .th town was namd aftr thm by popl .th word ''long " is th symbol of th brav dragon and "ju" mans th two horss .

我故乡的名字(The name of my hometown)


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