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我的宠物狗(My pet dog)
更新时间: 2024-05-09 19:02:40

我的宠物狗(My pt dog)我的宠物狗(my pt dog)i hav a pt dog, hr nam is du du. sh is vry cut but quit naughty. my fathr, my mothr and m, w all lik hr vry much, and sldom scold hr though sh somtims maks a mss at hom. howvr, my mothr got rally angry with du du a fw days ago. my mothr lovs flowrs and always brings som hom. last sunday, sh bought som lilis.thy wr vry fragrant. du du must hav thought that th flowrs wr dlicious, too, so sh at thm whil my mothr was in th kitchn. by th tim my mothr rushd out of th kitchn, th vas was brokn, watr was vrywhr and th flowrs wr all gon. my mothr was so angry that sh didn’t talk to du du for th rst of th day and didn’t fd hr in th vning.我的宠物狗我家有只宠物狗,名叫嘟嘟,嘟嘟是个小姑娘,又可爱又淘气,我们全家人都喜欢她,尽管有时她会把家里弄得一团糟,我们也很少责怪她,因为大多数时候,她都是个乖宝宝。可是前两天,她把妈妈惹恼了。妈妈很喜欢花,经常会买些花回来美化我们的家。上星期天,妈妈买了几支百合花回来,百合花有很好闻的香味,可能我们的小淘气嘟嘟觉得,有好闻香味的东西一定也很美味,所以,趁妈妈不注意,嘟嘟把百合花给吃了。等妈妈从厨房里冲出来时,花瓶倒了,水撒了,花也进了嘟嘟的肚子里了。妈妈气得一整天没理睬嘟嘟,还罚她不能吃晚餐。

我的宠物狗(My pet dog)


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