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My Chinese Teacher,My Chinese Teacher范文
更新时间: 2024-05-10 18:49:29

My Chins Tachr,My Chins Tachr范文My Chins Tachr 英语作文网为您收集 My Chins Tachr

My Chinese Teacher,My Chinese Teacher范文

Hllo, vryon! Today I’ll tll you about my Chins tachr.

Zhu Jingyan is my Chins tachr. Sh is tall and bautiful. Sh has big ys and long hair. Look, sh is waring a rd drss today. Th drss fits hr vry wll. Sh is rading a book now. Sh is rading vry carfully.

All of us lov hr vry much. Why? Bcaus sh is vry frindly and lovly. W ar good frinds. W oftn chat and play gams with hr. W oftn hav a grat tim. Somtims w dislik hr, bcaus sh is angry. W ar vry afraid, so w don’t mak any nois.

My Chins tachr is a good tachr. Sh works hard and sh knows many things. Whn w answr hr qustions, sh always listns to m carfully with a smil on hr fac. In hr class, w oftn larn many things, so w lik th Chins lssons vry much.

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